Document Details

Document Type : Project 
Document Title :
Study of solid state reactions in mixtures of amorphous carbons and metal oxides.
دراسة تفاعلات الحالة الجامدة في المخاليط المتبلورة من الكربونات والأكاسيد الفلزية.
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : Touched study the thermal behavior and interactive mixtures of barium carbonate or Alastrnchom and titanium oxide or iron oxide using the methods of thermal analysis weighted Aloazothermah, The results showed that the temperature of the composition of compounds Titanite and Alhaddidt in mixtures of barium carbonate - oxide metal before breaking barium carbonate at about 250 ˚ C while composition of the vehicles prior to crushing Alasturnhim Alasturnhim carbonate at about 60 ˚ C. Have been analyzed for some reaction mixtures by X-ray diffraction, and agreed with the results of differential thermal analysis and weighted, as well as the effect of irradiation has been studied gamma cobalt 60 and Altadmam lithium ions or copper on the kinetics of the reaction. May use computers in analyzing the results of dynamic composition of Titanite and Alhdedet, in the samples non-radioactive Almadmma compared with samples of radioactive or Almadmma, and become the results of the analysis motor Aloazotherma that models the interactions does not follow the propagation models, and observed that the capacity to activate the interaction of mixtures of barium carbonate - oxide metal than in Alasturnhim carbonate mixtures of metal oxide. Comparing the results of the analysis motor of the samples radioactive with non-radioactive show that the radiation generally leads to lower activation energy interaction, and coefficient of frequency increase of radiation dose, and doses reduced it was observed that the activation energy increases by the samples non-radioactive as a result of annealing radiation, and the results showed the samples Almadmma oxide lithium that Altadmam in this case does not have a clear impact on the results of reaction kinetics, activation or variables, while Altadmam copper oxide leads to the lower half the time of completion of the interaction variables and a difference in activation in a non-proportional. 
Publishing Year : 1409 AH
1989 AD
Sponsor Name : kau 
Sponsorship Year : 1409 AH
1989 AD
Added Date : Wednesday, April 30, 2008 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
سليمان ناصر با سهلbasahl, soliman naserInvestigatorDoctorate 


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