Document Details

Document Type : Project 
Document Title :
The religious drive in the personality of King Abdul Aziz and
الوازع الديني في شخصية الملك عبد العزيز وأثره في حياته وتعامله وفي تأسيس المملكة ووحدتها وبروز معالم النهضة فيها.
Subject : Islamic Studies 
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : The objective of this research with its six chapters that included thirty six parts and nine sections is to investigate the religious drive of King Abdul Aziz and its direct effect on his life which was based from its inception on religion, morale and righteous creed as well as the quest for knowledge about the Quran and the sunnah. The objective of the research is also to study the effect of the religious drive in the great deeds which he carried out after the conquest of Riyadh and recovering of his kingdom. This drive was very clear in the establishment and unification of the Kingdom on strong basis derived from the sublime Islamic principles. The objective of the research is also to illustrate the religious drive of the king in his attention to education, construction of mosques, enjoining good deeds and forbidding bad deeds, combating destructive movements (nationalism, secularism, socialism) and his call for adhering to the Quran and the sunnah and his activities which aimed at the consolidation of national unity, and to gather all tribes in a strong social unit with no place for differences and his activities aiming at the realization of security and spreading of justice in the framework of political unity between the custodian and his subjects. The objective of the research is also to illustrate his religious drive in giving advice for the sake of Allah, His Holy Quran and the sunnah of the Prophet as well as to the general public and persons of high status. The objective of the research also includes the illustration of the revival of many aspects of life in the area including the revival of a new Islamic culture in the history of Arab peninsula that enabled the Kingdom to occupy a high position among the Arab, Islamic and world nations which was then firmly established during the reigns of his son. With this feat the research gives a good idea about the religious drive and its effect in the rise of this state on the land of Kingdom under Islamic traditions. 
Publishing Year : 1425 AH
2005 AD
Sponsor Name : kau 
Sponsorship Year : 1425 AH
2005 AD
Added Date : Friday, October 23, 2009 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
عبدالله سيف الأزديalazdi, abdullah saifInvestigatorDoctorate 


File NameTypeDescription
 23352.doc doc 

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