Document Details

Document Type : Project 
Document Title :
Uses and applications of information technology and communications Deanship of Graduate Studies, present and future.
استخدامات وتطبيقات تقنيات المعلومات والاتصالات بعمادة الدراسات العليا الحاضر والمستقبل .
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : The aim of this study was to measure the level of social change witnessed in rural communities and the factors associated with it. Use the Find method of the social survey to study some rural communities to consider the willingness of villagers to participate in public activities and the extent of their ambition of education and their aspirations and professional attitudes towards change and the nature of their convictions size optimal for the family and attitudes towards compliance with ties theca and the level of assessment and paid tribute to the skills of craftsmanship and technology. The study found that the strength of ties theca linked directly proportional to age and level of tribal loyalty and negatively to educational level. The study also revealed the weakness evident in the participation of rural people in public activities, and that this participation negatively associated with age and family size and positive level of rural education, vocational and economic. Ambitious with regard to educational and vocational study has found that top education were the most preferred occupations with higher social status with the minimum physical reap the occupations with lower social status reap the physical top unlike the case for the lowest educated. The study also found that the preference for academic education, vocational training is positively correlated with educational level and a negative family size. The study also revealed that the change in the physical aspect of the culture finds wide acceptance from the rural, and that the level of acceptance is linked directly proportional to the level of rural education and economic level of exposure to new media, and negatively to age and family size, and the change in the moral value system of the culture it finds resistance from the rural private values the change in the status and role of women in society. Supporting the ambition of women to play non-traditional roles in society is positively correlated with the level of rural education and vocational and negatively to age. They also reported a study on the relative decline in the use of global media, and that their use is positively correlated with the level of mental and low-level learning and the size of the city and the degree of effectiveness of N and negatively to age. The study also found that the sense of patriotism is positively correlated with degree of mental and low-level learning and the size of the city and the level of use of the media and the level of efficiency and diligence on the negative relatives in the selection of functions and Georthm residential. The study also revealed for the aspirations of many to many offspring, and reproductive behavior is positively correlated with age and a negative mentality and low-level learning and the size of the city and the level of media use and effectiveness. 
Publishing Year : 1421 AH
2001 AD
Sponsor Name : kau 
Sponsorship Year : 1421 AH
2001 AD
Added Date : Wednesday, April 30, 2008 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
إسماعيل خليل كتبخانةkutbkhanah, Ismaiel khalilInvestigatorDoctorate 


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