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Document Type : Project 
Document Title :
Evaluation of the toxicity Alklorseren energy levels, stress enzymes, histological structure of the tilapia fish fresh and salt water.
تقييم سمية الكلورسيرين على مستويات الطاقة، أنزيمات الاجهاد، التركيب النسيجي لأسماك بلطي المياه العذبة والمالحة.
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : Search includes an introduction, preface, and three doors, and a conclusion I spoke in the introduction of three points, namely: 1. Boot Summary 2. Importance of the subject 3. Plan or method Dealt with in the boot need people to Islamic teachings and the inspiration of maturity, including the integrity of behavior and not deviate as far from religion, and the aberration for guidance, generates crises psychological, spiritual, economic, social, family, and people live in the hardship of life and misery and hardship do not have the sweetness of faith, and find happiness in world or in the Hereafter. The importance of the subject shown in the integrity of the people, and good behavior, and sense of security and confidence in peace, according to the practical way. The boot when I spoke for six paragraphs are: 1 Definition 2 Definition of religious morals Crime 3 the definition of the offender and the statement of the concept of crime 4 types of manifestations of crime Crime 5 6 imminent danger of the crime The first section is: (the role of religious faith and its impact in reducing crime and dealt with the four chapters in detail, namely: A faith and its impact in reducing crime. To worship and their impact in reducing crime. A calculation (the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice) and its impact in the fight against crime. D Islamic education and its impact in the prevention of crime. The second section is: (poor religious faith and its impact on the spread of crime) and the three chapters, I spoke in the first chapter: the reasons for weak religious morals mountain, genetic and educational (within the family, school, and neighborhood) and also addressed the causes of the weakness of religious morals social, economic, psychological and behavioral causes and modern civilization. In the second chapter (the relationship between religious faith and the moral obligation), which dealt with the concept of moral obligation and compared with the morals and religious factors shown to strengthen the moral obligation and the reasons for its weakness and its impact in reducing crime. In the third chapter, speaking on the implications of the weakness of religious commitment, which in turn leads to poor economic growth, and increase the number of crimes, and Vhoha in the community of different types and numerous, and demonstrated that this leads to disorder, insecurity, and undermine society's entity and broken family ties, and the deviation events, and Vhoa mental illness and physical, and so on. And Part III: the (elimination of crime in the community). Is subject to six chapters, in the first quarter showed that the dissemination of Islamic awareness among the people and warning of the risk of delinquency, lead to the disappearance of the crime, and eliminate them in the bud. In the second chapter, addressing the issue of breeding individuals and to guide people to the ways of self-advancement and renamed the religious and moral to this is prevention and to protect them from falling into crime, leading to her disappearance. In Chapter III has shown are important to eliminate crime through job creation and social alternatives. In Chapter IV showed that immunization of young people, and to prevent the causes of crime lead to shrinking and non-proliferation. In Chapter V addressed the issue of monitoring and follow-up and appropriate punishment for each offense, and the application of the limits of Allah and the criminals have shown that all of this leads to the elimination of crime and limit its spread. 
Publishing Year : 1422 AH
2002 AD
Sponsor Name : kau 
Sponsorship Year : 1422 AH
2002 AD
Added Date : Wednesday, April 30, 2008 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
عبدالله سيف الأزديalazdi, abdullah saifInvestigatorDoctorate 


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