Document Details

Document Type : Project 
Document Title :
Spinsterhood of the attention of the young people a comparative study
العنوسة من وجه نظر الشباب دراسة مقارنة
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : The aim of this study was to assess the change that surrounds the status of women in urban society, the Saudi society as an indicator of what will happen to change the status of women in society in general, use the Find method of the social survey to study the impact of some social factors and self-social and other environmental factors on the type of personal respondents were male and then on their attitudes towards the status of women in society. The study analyzed the status of women in the light of the variables derived from the reality of urban life for the respondents and of the impact of the size of place of residence urban, and educational level of respondents, and makeup professional, and the level of exposure to new media, and the level of effectiveness, and level of urbanization, mental, and the identity of belonging, and the pattern of religiosity in terms of moderation and exaggeration, and the optimal size of the family. Regarding the status of women study found that most respondents acknowledged the right of the girl not to force them to marry who are not accepted by, and the participation of the wife in family decision-making crucial if not give it the right to veto decisions taken if the husband himself. With regard to the education and employment of women refused to half equal to males in higher education opportunities, while the object, most of them out to work; and their attitudes towards the status of women is positively correlated with the level of mental Altmdnah and educational level, city size and the degree of patriotism and negatively to age and reproductive behavior and the degree of excess in religiosity. With regard to the impact of occupational structure study found that the top profession they were most motivated to give her the right choice in marriage 
Publishing Year : 1426 AH
2006 AD
Sponsor Name : kau 
Sponsorship Year : 1426 AH
2006 AD
Added Date : Wednesday, April 30, 2008 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
إسماعيل خليل كتبخانةkutbkhanah, Ismaiel khalilInvestigatorDoctorate 


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