Document Details

Document Type : Project 
Document Title :
Factors associated with the participation of the elderly in social work and the extent of their suffering from the lack of psychological adjustment and Social Council (Case Study).
العوامل المرتبطة بمشاركة المسنين في العمل الاجتماعي ومدى معاناتهم من عدم التوافق النفسي والاجتماعي (دراسة تطبيقية).
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : The study aims to evaluate a series of books entitled English for Saudi Arabia and used to teach English in secondary schools and aims to ensure readability of the text (Readability) of these books and determine any typographical errors, or language in these books. Assess the content includes the study of books and words and linguistic structures and illustrations, by the views of teachers and guides of English at the secondary level through a questionnaire prepared for this purpose was also to prepare a questionnaire to get feedback from other students in a. The degree of difficulty to books. Element of suspense in it. Has been calculated the percentage of the views of educators and language teachers and students. The readability of the text have been calculated using the equation of Fry (Fry Formula). Have shown the equation of Frey, the level of readability of the books above the level of Saudi students who are learning English as a foreign language in high school and that teachers and guides of English as a foreign language agreed that the books suitable for students in all respects except that the makers of English have reservations on the linguistic structures in this books. Students reported that the books were difficult to them hand the thrill of the degree of the students agreed that the information in books, interesting books, while the contents in the second and the third is interesting. Based on these results has been proposed some recommendations to improve the level of these books in line with the level of its readers and found a few errors in these books, although it must take some steps to make these books free of them. The researcher hopes to help the results of the study authors and curriculum experts to improve the quality of written English in high school. 
Publishing Year : 1422 AH
2002 AD
Sponsor Name : kau 
Sponsorship Year : 1422 AH
2002 AD
Added Date : Wednesday, April 30, 2008 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
أحمد عمر الحيدريalhidry, ahmed omarInvestigatorDoctorate 


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