Document Details

Document Type : Project 
Document Title :
Design proposal for a national information center for tourism in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
تصميم مقترح لمركز معلومات وطني للسياحة في المملكة العربية السعودية
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : Scientific research is one of the most important missing links in the path of development in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, due to its specificity, represented by its universities, institutions and research centers. That the critical view to the reality of scientific research in the Kingdom and its components diagnosed in the context of research, the stomach, may help identify the most important problems that result from the absence of identity, or sometimes not distinguish or even at other times to keep pace with regional and international developments. And that the reality facing the researcher in the preparation of its research is based on a number of key pillars is available, an obstacle in the process of scientific research. From this perspective, the research aims to analyze the reality of scientific research supported by the King Abdul Aziz University, within the framework of the points of strength and weaknesses and access to the disclosure of the strategic gap and to identify means of promoting Bmqtadhaath. This has drafted a set questions research represented Introduction main search window, and pushed these questions to the dialogue with reality and Ibjdyate scientific and develop appropriate responses, you may draw a vocabulary advancement of scientific research in this university, in the context of the scientific environment to reach the required level, especially since this university and research centers, with its intellectual capital qualified, able to perform its level of scientific research and technical position to promote the level of intellectual creativity and the participation of the developed world in providing cultural vocabulary is indispensable in the areas of scientific research, high-end, if they have reasons for advancement. This research is based on the postulates of scientific research, which is the most important intellectual and rooting innovation and creativity and overcome tradition and reproduction of ideas and methodologies unrealistic. This stage can only be achieved by enabling the researcher and value unto intellectually, scientifically and technically intake of research topics, and this is research on the process of assessing available research at the center of the premise upon which the study. Researchers addressed the twelve research; six of them in the field of management, and six others in the area of ​​the economy, and finished their study and their analysis with a list of recommendations, including scientific Three aspects; researcher, and research institutions, and how to do the evaluation process of research. 
Publishing Year : 1426 AH
2006 AD
Sponsor Name : kau 
Sponsorship Year : 1426 AH
2006 AD
Added Date : Wednesday, April 30, 2008 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
أحمد داود المزجاجيalmizjaji, ahmed daoudResearcherDoctorate 


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 30272.docx docx 

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