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Document Type : Project 
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Monetary policy and managing the legal reserve in the banking system and its impact on macroeconomic variables
السياسة النقدية وإدارة الاحتياطي القانوني في الجهاز المصرفي وأثر ذلك علي متغيرات الاقتصاد الكلي
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : The burning of fossil fuels to produce electricity from the largest sources of air pollution in the world, This burning to the breeding of many pollutants Kokasid nitrogen and sulfur dioxide, hydrocarbons, dust, smoke, soot and some of the other outstanding as breed also through chimneys burning fuel for power plants carbon dioxide, methane and some other gases and heavy metals such as mercury and volatile organic compounds that participate in the increasing levels of ozone on the surface of the earth. It is possible that these pollutants cause serious health problems Kalozmat and irritation of the lungs, bronchitis, pneumonia and lack of immune resistance to respiratory infections and early death. Area is located smoothing near the city of Mecca, located in the region Mosque Aisha, where people come for ihraam in order to perform Umrah as well as some visitors and include the region to plant a major electricity generation using diesel fuel is produced from the burning of this fuel emissions, which affects not only the visitors to the region, but also on the people present in the Holy Mosque in the area exposed to the winds heading toward the Grand Mosque. It has been suggested to change the type of fuel used, instead of using diesel will use crude oil or heavy is expected from the burning of these types in addition to climatic conditions inappropriate (which will lead to the concentration of pollutants in the region and neighboring areas rather than dispersed) that emissions expected from the fuels proposed will be gravity. And therefore this project aims to calculate quantities of emissions generated from fuel the current and predicted amounts of other fuels using emission factors and aims to monitor the concentrations of various pollutants fuel the current user area of ​​study and compare standards of local and global, will discuss this report, the monitoring program for the period from November 2002 to October 2003 . The results showed that the use of the power plant to natural gas fuel will result in the least amount of emissions of oxides of nitrogen (7069 tons / year), while the raw fuel emissions will lead to the largest amount (43 460 tons / year). Has been shown to lower emissions of carbon monoxide (73 tons / year) would be to station the forces that operate diesel oil (distillate oil), while natural gas will lead to the largest amount of emissions (1811 tons / year). It was less emissions of sulfur dioxide (75.1 tons / year) to station the forces that run on natural gas while the heavy oil will lead to the emission of the largest amount (89 364 tons / year). It was less emission of volatile organic compounds (9 tons / year) for the power plant operating diesel oil (distillate oil), while natural gas will lead to the emission of the largest amount (64.4 tons / year). As it turns out that less emission of suspended particles (145.1 tons / year) for the power plant by natural gas, while heavy oil will lead to the emission of the largest quantity (5621 tons / year). Finally, less emission of carbon dioxide (2.43 × 610 tons / year) for the power plant by natural gas, while crude oil will lead to the emission of the largest quantity (3.99 × 610 tons / year). The assessments found that the quantities of suspended particles and sulfur dioxide for the power plant is expected that heavy oil will exceed emission standards, which require a degree of control with 60.6%, 42.5%, respectively. It is expected that emissions of sulfur dioxide in the case of the use of crude oil (0.9 micrograms / Gul) is very close to the standard (1 microgram / Gul). As it turns out exceeds the value of the nitrogen oxides emission standard for all the alternatives have been calculated the degree of control required was 65.1% in the case of diesel oil, 37.5% in the case of natural gas, 84.6% in the case of crude oil, 80.6% in the case of heavy oil. And when you monitor various pollutants during the months of the study has found that increasing concentrations of nitrogen oxides and carbon monoxide in the early hours of the day and then fall until noon and then oscillate within a limited range of concentrations during the remaining hours of the day. Also found that when increasing the wind speed drops the concentrations of all pollutants except ozone, which consists of any place in the atmosphere as a result of interactions Alkimudoih. It was noted that the results of sulfur dioxide and low during the fixed hours of the day during the study period. It was also noted that ozone concentrations begin to rise with the sun and up to the maximum extent of its mid-day, and then falling with the approaching sunset. The recorded results of total hydrocarbons and methane concentrations and stable low during the months of the study. Has fluctuated wind directions during the months of the study During the month of November was the wind direction to the north and during the months of December and January and May was the wind heading to the North, followed by the south, either during the months of February and March, April, June and July and August and September was the wind direction between the south and south-east and finally During October was the wind direction between the east and north-east. Showed the statistical relationship between various pollutants during most months of the study that there is a positive relationship strong between ozone and nitrogen oxide damaged also found a positive relationship is weak between ozone and temperature and the relationship of negative medium with sulfur dioxide also found a positive relationship medium's second-tog sulfur and nitrogen oxides of various and carbon monoxide. When comparing the results obtained through measurements with the standards has been shown that all the results of carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide recorded in accordance with the standards, while exceeding some of the results of ozone some of the standards was the results of oxides of nitrogen, a small, precluding him and there is no As it turns out the seriousness of the lack of criteria for comparing the results of both total hydrocarbons and methane to determine compliance. When an economic comparison between the types of fuel, the various proposed has been found that rapid comparison of the cost of fuel alone has suggested the use of heavy fuel oil, fuel oil, crude look of the cheap Tkfatthm but when you raise the cost of fuel and the cost of the controllers in the pollutants that produce them, and other costs subtle and invisible, which did not available data because of the difficulty in obtaining them or because they are not factors of how the cost of monitoring them, it reflects the proposal to use the fuel, followed by natural gas and diesel fuel in case of difficult to use first. When using the model Gosan to estimate the concentrations of pollutants emitted from the plant Mecca of the forces at different degrees of stability, when a range of distances up to 10 km results showed that the concentrations of nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide exceed the standards at a level of stability or more and at some distance of each fuel proposed, except fuel natural gas, which means that all areas that fall within this range, taking wind direction into account will be affected has been ranking second in terms of lack of infringement of diesel fuel, and this confirms the proposed use of fuel gas, diesel fuel if there is difficulty in the use of the first. The report ends with some recommendations which included the continuous monitoring of the concentration of emissions, the use of certain methods of control of emissions that exceed the standards, preventing the use of heavy oil or crude, in the case of change must resort to the use of natural gas instead of diesel oil. 
Publishing Year : 1422 AH
2002 AD
Sponsor Name : kau 
Sponsorship Year : 1422 AH
2002 AD
Added Date : Wednesday, April 30, 2008 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
هاشم عبدالله الجيلانيaljelani, hashim abdullahInvestigatorDoctorate 


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