Document Details

Document Type : Project 
Document Title :
Extracurricular activities and favorite reality as perceived by the students of King Abdulaziz University in Jeddah - a comparative study
النشاطات اللامنهجية الواقعية والمفضلة كما يدركها طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبدالعزيز بجدة - دراسة مقارنة
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : The study aimed to know the reality of extra-curricular activities and favorites at the University of King Abdul Aziz, and knowledge of the differences between male and female students, colleges and scientific theory to the reality of extra-curricular activities and favorites. Identify the size and the manifestations of non-educational activities at the university, and find out the means by which to develop extra-curricular activities, in addition to knowledge of the differences between male and female students, colleges, scientific and theoretical to those means. Study was conducted on a sample of students of King Abdul Aziz University in Jeddah strength of 990 students in the various scientific disciplines and theoretical. Questionnaire were applied to them especially after the subject of the study show a good degree of validity and reliability. The results of the study include: 1 - that extra-curricular activities which achieved some positive aspects of all the variables of this fact. 2 - that all the variables associated with the nature of the activity and preferred to indicate that there is a preference to accomplish these activities. 3 - The most common type of activity, preferably male and female students attend, respectively, are the flights - Training Courses - swimming - football. 4 - met a wider range of educational and psychological benefits, and social Joined extracurricular activities. 5 - no statistically significant differences between male and female students in the reality of extra-curricular activities (student, community) in the interest of students. 6 - There are significant differences between male and female students in extracurricular activities Favorites (nature of the activity, students and the community and the total) in the interest of students. 7 - There is no statistically significant differences between students of disciplines and colleges and scientific theory in the reality of extra-curricular activities and favorites. 8 - that the size and extracurricular aspects of university activity is low, which was found to be 4.80% of respondents do not attend any of the types of extracurricular activity was also found that 6.46% of the respondents know the types of activities available at the university. 
Publishing Year : 1425 AH
2005 AD
Sponsor Name : kau 
Sponsorship Year : 1425 AH
2005 AD
Added Date : Wednesday, April 30, 2008 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
عصام يحيى الفيلاليalfilali, Isam yahiahInvestigatorDoctorate 


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