Document Details

Document Type : Project 
Document Title :
Economic and engineering evaluation of the volcanic clastic sediments in the middle of the field in the modern Allaba free Rahat.
التقييم الاقتصادي والهندسي للترسبات الفتاتية البركانية في الجزء الوسط من حقل اللابا الحديث في حرة رهط.
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : Pilot survey were aware of most of the volcanic cones located the study area to determine appropriate standards and can be applied for use in the selection of volcanic cones suitable for detailed study, has been selected four volcanic cones are: Mount suit Sheikh, Mount, Mount Alhlae Sound and the coastal mountain. Indicates the initial data of the samples collected from the four pilot areas during the survey that the volcanic clastic sediments are characterized by a low specific weight and value of the absorption of appropriate and distinct activity DUTY. Was a result of a detailed study of the Jebel Sheikh suit include the following: - A map of the topography and geology as well as other work of many geological sectors. - The work of a geological map of the existing trenches and digging new trenches and six geological mapping them. - Sampling of sediments Alschoria duct in the trenches for engineering laboratory tests. - An X-ray analysis and other properties to set the grain size of samples selected. - Determination of physical properties and mechanical deposits Alschoria Khsy lightweight black according to the standards of the U.S. to test the materials. - The appointment of an infra activity Buzolana Alschoria for deposits. - Preparation of samples of concrete cylindrical and cubic. - Manufacturing Device (Lee) to measure the thermal conductivity of concrete samples. All the appropriate results, and ranging in the field of acceptable standards for the U.S. to test materials, and deposits Alschoria be evaluated from an economic standpoint. It was a detailed study of Mount Alhlae included the following: • A topographic map and other geological addition to the work of many sectors of geology. • digging trenches, geological mapping them. And will be drilled Khandeghin others in the next phase. • sampling duct of the residues of Alschoria in the trenches for engineering laboratory tests. • It was found that all the volcanic clastic sediments are characterized by a low specific weight and the values ​​of absorption of appropriate and distinct activity DUTY. 
Publishing Year : 1417 AH
1997 AD
Sponsor Name : kau 
Sponsorship Year : 1417 AH
1997 AD
Added Date : Wednesday, April 30, 2008 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
محمد رشاد مفتيmoufti, mohammed rashadInvestigatorDoctorate 


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