Document Details

Document Type : Project 
Document Title :
Study the effect of saffron on the histological changes and biochemical and behavioral in white laboratory mice
دراسة تأثير الزعفران على التغيرات النسيجية والكيموحيوية والسلوكية في الفئران المعملية البيضاء
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : I have been through the current study to achieve the objectives of the proposed research plan to study the effect of saffron extract on the behavioral aspects and functions of the kidney, liver, heart and tissue changes updated for that. And then injected two groups each consisting of ten mice ages 12 weeks and in the peritoneal cavity (ip) injected with two doses of which the first two 40 and 80 mg / kg of the drug only saffron, and the second group as a group officer. Shown the results of experiments on animals that have been subjected to a test tube is narrow to a significant difference in both the number of bites and the time period of latency after the injection of saffron for a time (acute), while showing the animals that were injected dose high significant difference of a single and an increase in the latency period in the injection of times repeated (chronic) This was not the difference is in the dose of 40 mg / kg. The results indicated motor activity of the absence of significant differences when comparing the group injected for a time or times repeated with the control group in all behaviors recorded, except for an increase in the latency period and then decrease in the number of times lifting up and the number of times the lift on the wall and the number of boxes that traveled by the animal in injection for a time. There were also slight differences in certain behaviors in times of high dose and repeated that an increase in the duration of walking and the number of boxes that have been made in the animal and the lack of a Perching. The injection resulted in animals of different dose to the lack of significant difference in the weights of animals for a time, while repeated injections of the times led to an increase in the weight of the animals. Doses caused significant decrease in the saffron Alkritnin Creatinine and urea level of acid in the blood Uric Acid as a lack in the level of calcium and activities of enzymes vital Total protein and Albumin in the high dose. While there was significant increase in Got. The results of microscopic examination of tissue to study pathogenesis of the members of the liver, kidney, heart, unaffected by the drug, which did not show obvious changes. And also did not show any pathological tissue change for each of the members of the liver, kidney and heart from exposure to saffron. The repeated injection of 80mg/kg saffron has caused a significant increase in the content of dopamine and epinephrine and Alnorabernfrin in the area under the thalamus (Hypothalamus) and hippocampus (Hippocampus) also caused a shortage in the moral content of dopamine in the cerebellum. Also cause different changes in other brain regions studied. 
Publishing Year : 1422 AH
2002 AD
Sponsor Name : kau 
Sponsorship Year : 1422 AH
2002 AD
Added Date : Wednesday, April 30, 2008 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
أحمد إبراهيم السقافalsaqqaf, ahmed IbrahimInvestigatorDoctorate 


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