Document Details

Document Type : Project 
Document Title :
Study the effect of leaf Rue (Peganum harmala) on some aspects of physiological, behavioral, and installation Alkimu vital tissue in laboratory mice
دراسة تأثير اوراق نبات الحرمل (Peganum harmala) على بعض النواحي الفسيولوجية والسلوكية والكيمو حيوية والتركيب النسيجي في الفئران المعملية
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : We have been through this current study to achieve the objectives of the proposed research plan on the possible negative effects resulting from the handling of chronic and excessive to extract leaf Rue through our study of the effects of behavioral and physiological functions of the liver, kidney and to study histological changes of disease in these organs in addition to measuring the levels of certain neurotransmitters, which showed this study that the injection of chronic for 6 weeks extract of leaves private-dose 200 / kg has made significant decrease in the elements of motor behavior was the significant decrease in the walking and increasing the length of periods of Roosting and a decrease in the number of boxes that traveled by the animal and these results indicate that the extract has inhibitory effect private motor activity at a dose 200 mg / kg The dose 100 mg / kg has caused an increase in the number of times to raise the hands up and the number of times the lift on the wall. - Did not observe any significant changes to dietary behavior, whether chronic or acute injection in both doses, indicating that the extract has no effect on aggressive behavior and confine its effect on motor behavior only. It was noted that injection of chronic dose 200 mg / kg has the latest on the level of neurotransmitters increase significantly the levels of carriers Aserotinen dopamine especially in the striatum and the cerebral cortex and cerebellum, and this explains the decrease in motor activity, as the two carriers have an important role in motor behavior. Especially that this rise in the level of these two carriers are coupled with the lack of any rise in the level of epinephrine and light epinephrine showed the results of the analysis Alkimouhaoa of blood from the increase significantly the level of some liver enzymes, such as an enzyme (as G or T) and (OSG PINS T), especially when the injection chronic Graah 200 mg / kg - and the high moral level of urea at the same dose, which refers to the imbalances in the physiological functions of the liver and kidney was confirmed by histological examination of the liver that showed sectors of textile in the liver irritation tissue acute fatty liver and congestion of blood sharply in the blood vessels in the liver - all referred to the previous results confirm the acute toxicity of chemical compounds alkaloids Rue especially in this plant which requires very careful when taking this plant for therapeutic purposes. 
Publishing Year : 1423 AH
2003 AD
Sponsor Name : kau 
Sponsorship Year : 1423 AH
2003 AD
Added Date : Wednesday, April 30, 2008 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
منصور عطية الحازميalhazmi, mansour atiyahInvestigatorDoctorate 


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