Document Details

Document Type : Project 
Document Title :
Estimate the values ​​of saturation constant (Ks) of the isolates Aloktinomaysitat developing the remnants of the food industry in the region of Jeddah to support the secondary metabolic products in a single batch fed farms.
تقدير قيم ثابت التشبع (Ks) لعزلات الأكتينومايسيتات النامية على مخلفات الصناعات الغذائية في منطقة جدة لدعم المنتجات الأيضية الثانوية في مزارع الدفعة الواحدة المغذاة.
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : Was to isolate and purify the isolation of 64 different Aloktinomisiat Raazausver different plants in several wilderness areas of the province of Jeddah. Has been renewal of several isolates of Aloktinomisiat (132 isolated) and available at the Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, King Abdul Aziz University. Upon testing the ability of these isolates to produce antibiotics, which in the light of the results was tested sixtieth isolation. Of the positive results of the previous isolation of 18 was chosen for the initial check and preliminary study of the research project and to the ability of these isolates in a strong influence on the microbe Staphylococcus aureus-type (MRSA). Selected isolates were grown in conical flasks in the form of a lump sum farms shaky at 30 ° C. Environment using the starch in order to determine the ability of isolates in the production of antibiotics using the method of leachate farm without regard to the growth standards. These isolates were tested for growth in different carbon sources (starch, glycerol, molasses, whey, bran) and to select the isolates with the ability to grow in the wide range of carbon sources. Also been tested the ability of these isolates to produce antibiotics under these conditions of development. 8 isolates were selected with a high capacity for the production of antibiotics, the most influential of the various test microbes. Grown isolates selected among the different food manner farms shaky. By studying the growth rate Specialist (μ) for the observed high activity of these isolates to utilize different carbon sources. Study the effect of different concentrations of carbon sources on the rate of growth Specialist (μ) could find the values ​​of saturation constant for these sources. The four studied isolates were grown on the center dates molasses, molasses and whey in the farms with a single batch fed. And found that development of these farms in a manner consistent focus do not give high results for both biomass or antibiotics. While the development of the farms growing a single nutrition has given a high amount of biomass and activity of the compounds are also highly inhibitory to the growth of the test microbe. The productivity of vitamin B-12 was high compared to the results obtained in the single farm payment. 
Publishing Year : 1420 AH
2000 AD
Sponsor Name : kau 
Sponsorship Year : 1420 AH
2000 AD
Added Date : Wednesday, April 30, 2008 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
محمد قربان قشاريqushari, mohammed qurbanInvestigatorDoctorate 


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