Document Details

Document Type : Project 
Document Title :
Studies on the effect of gamma radiation on tomato plant.
دراسات على تأثير أشعة جاما على نبات الطماطم.
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : The objective of this report is to demonstrate and clarify the effect of different doses of gamma rays (50-50 kilo-Rad) on the germination of dyes, as well as skin tissue, wood, flower and fruit of the tomato plant. The results showed here to the delay and decrease the growth of the radioactive seeds compared to those not treated. What changes were observed in the virtual shape, size and number of cotyledons and leaves as well as other vegetative leaves. Treatment plants also showed the presence of gamma-ray is normal stomata, as if they are incorporated or twin, as well as unequal guard cells, as noted there mouths without holes as well as the mouths of guard cell contains one. It was also noted that the production of The Guardian a few cells in general, when high levels of gamma rays. Have shown low levels of gamma rays (5-10 kilo-Rad), the maximum chlorophyll a, b, as well as Alkorotonidat compared to non-treatment and treatment as well as high doses of gamma rays. The study showed that low and high doses of gamma rays caused a decrease in the size of vessels and the length of fiber, and the vitality of the vaccine in the first generation, as well as number, size and weight and fruit yield per plant, as well as the number of seeds each fruit. In light of the above observations we conclude that different levels of gamma rays that have the opposite effect on the process of seed germination, growth and skin tissue and elements of wood and the vitality of pollen, and flower and fruit production in both types of users in this study. 
Publishing Year : 1412 AH
1992 AD
Sponsor Name : kau 
Sponsorship Year : 1412 AH
1992 AD
Added Date : Wednesday, April 30, 2008 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
يوسف محمد المغربيalmaghrabi, joseph mohammedInvestigatorDoctorate 


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 30024.docx docx 

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