Document Details

Document Type : Project 
Document Title :
Theoretical and experimental studies on the electronic structure and the class of compounds catechol.
دراسات نظرية وتجريبية على التركيب الإلكتروني والطبقي لمركبات الكاتيكول.
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : Contains the first chapter to a comprehensive survey of theoretical studies and practical for the installation of compounds catechol Secretary, published in journals and scientific literature, and Chapter II contains a summary of the theoretical basis for the methods of the accounts the amount used by the research team to study these compounds, where this chapter included a description of the methods of AMI, CI , MNDO, Mo Chapter III contains an explanation of the scientific part as well as the research objectives and the general plan used to complete the project. The fourth chapter contains the accounts of the figure shows the spatial optimal for some compounds is catechol Secretary Apinephrine. Norpinephrine Dopa. In addition, Chapter IV contains the theoretical trace for the interaction of biological transformation of compounds catechol hormones Iiirosen to Amin, were calculated and analysis of the accompanying changes in energy, as this chapter contains a study determine the usability of the acquisition of proton ions Secretary of catechol hormones. Has been studied the impact of current energy-mail accounts to conduct lengthy, and calculate and study the possibility to configure a dual Zwitterion In the fifth chapter is a nice recording absorption and emission spectrum of UV Abannvsudaih of these compounds in aqueous solution. Chapter VI contains the registration of the infrared spectrum of these compounds in conditions of high season. Chapter VII contains the results obtained for the spectrum of nuclear magnetic resonance of the cores 13c, ih of these compounds, have been using the experience of sharing Aldiotiram with Alboton in order to obtain a clear explanation of the lines of groups NH2.OH in these compounds, and in Chapter price was linked to the results obtained by the activity vital compounds catechol amines. In this research were obtained on all the electronic properties of the situation stable for some compounds catechol Amin, has been appointed as the energy required to remove the proton of these compounds, a compound of dopamine also appear less dynamic thermal stability of the Secretary of other vehicles. 
Publishing Year : 1416 AH
1996 AD
Sponsor Name : kau 
Sponsorship Year : 1416 AH
1996 AD
Added Date : Wednesday, April 30, 2008 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
عبدالرحمن عبيد اليوبيalyoubi, abdulrahman obaidInvestigatorDoctorate 


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