Document Details

Document Type : Project 
Document Title :
Electrochemical reduction of vitamin B 13 (Aladrotik acid).
الاختزال الكهروكيميائي لفيتامين ب13 (حمض الأدروتيك).
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : The objective of this project is to study the reduction electrochemical for vitamin B 13 (acid Alawratk) at the pole mercury falling, and will be measuring the behavior Alpolarogerafa of orotic acid in the buffers of pH (2-12) and in the solution of unstructured (10 Molarclored sodium), and in acid solution (01 Molar hydrochloric acid), as well as in alkaline solution (01 Molar sodium hydroxide), and studied the effect of each of the high proportion of mercury and the concentration of orotic acid on the current final waves Alborllarrografa, and also the influence of pH on both the current final effort mid-term waves Alpolarogerafah was to discuss the results on the basis of the relationship between the nature of particles of orotic acid and mechanical thinning in different settings. Study the impact of high mercury levels on the current final reduction process and the effect of pH on both the current final effort the middle of the wave of waves Alpoladafah that the reduction is governed by the diffusion process (diffusion controlled), The study also showed that the concentration of acid Alerortak trend, the final waves Alpolarogerafah a linear relationship , a detailed mechanism has been proposed to reduce the acid Alerortak pole when the mercury falling on the basis of the relationship between the nature of orotic acid and reductionist in different settings. 
Publishing Year : 1416 AH
1996 AD
Sponsor Name : kau 
Sponsorship Year : 1416 AH
1996 AD
Added Date : Wednesday, April 30, 2008 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
عبدالرحيم عبدالله سمر قنديsamarguendi, abdulrahim abdullahInvestigatorDoctorate 


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