Document Details

Document Type : Project 
Document Title :
Find optimal designs of the experiences of bilateral comparisons that are processed mixture of several components with a focus on practical applications.الاستماع
ايجاد تصميمات مثلى لتجارب المقارنات الثنائية التي تكون معالجتها خليط من عدة مكونات مع التركيز على تطبيقاتها العملية.
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : The composition of the design optimum experiments bilateral comparisons is one of the areas of statistical research important and relatively new, and there are several criteria are taken into account to determine the optimal design, including: to make the design of impact (the sum of the elements of country) and a specific and more valuable characteristic of Msofh variations corresponding to the purpose of non-specific end of the junior . The fourth criterion is that the optimization of the design makes the power of the test to test the convergent rate possible for a specific purpose not the end of the superpower. And fifth, compared to standard designs based on the relative efficiency of the proximity ratio test possible counterparts. In many practical situations processors are required to compare a combination resulting from the mixing of two or more of the elements and the logarithm of each treatment parameter polynomial function in the proportions of mixture component elements of such treatment. Models are used as surfaces to respond with several test formats for the purpose not in the features of those models. The goal of this research is to form a group of designs appropriate for each imposed not with the development of methods of theory to determine the optimal design - in that group - which makes the impact of the specific Msofh variations corresponding to that purpose nihilistic end of the junior 'and also offer examples to illustrate different applications of the methods that will be developed with a focus on Almaamlah applications. In this paper we consider the fact that the case of processors used is a combination resulting from the mixing of a number of elements, with the assumption that Oglrtm parameter of each treatment is a function of a large border, in the proportions of the elements mixture component of that treatment, and used three models of surfaces to respond to debate, is a model of the first degree, Form factors of its key impacts and interactions of a bilateral model of the second class and for each model has developed formulas to hypotheses not the model parameters and then define a set of designs balanced in part a debate each obligatory not followed by the development of the theoretical basis for the selection of optimal design in each of them. And design the optimum reached in the cases of model first-class, model the global make each of the specific impact and the largest value of the characteristic matrix of changes in estimates of possible bulk corresponding to the imposition of nihilistic end of the junior 'and design tamarisk in the case of a model second-class to achieve greater power to choose the percentage possible to test the imposition of nothingness which was considered for the features of that model. 
Publishing Year : 1412 AH
1992 AD
Sponsor Name : kau 
Sponsorship Year : 1412 AH
1992 AD
Added Date : Wednesday, April 30, 2008 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
عبدالله توفيق الهلباويalhelbawi, abdullah tawfiqInvestigatorDoctorate 


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