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Document Type : Project 
Document Title :
Measure the concentration of radiation in fertilizers and soil.
قياس تركيز الاشعاع في الأسمدة والتربة.
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : We have been in this research measure the concentration of natural radioactive materials and manufactured in the soil, in seven major cities in the western region of Saudi Arabia Balmemklh way analysis of gamma-ray spectrum. It will be important that the measurements when assessing the radiation dose resulting from natural radioactive materials, the largest source of radiation dose to humans. On the other hand to put these basic measurements database can be consulted to assess any contamination resulting from the release of radioactive material manufactured to the environment. Have been collected and analyzed 47 samples from Mecca, Taif and Baha, Abha, Yanbu, Madinah and Tabuk, where the rate varied concentration of the rate of concentration of isotope 226Ra between 14-27 Bq / kg and the rate of isotope 232Th between 26-12 Bq / kg and the rate of concentration of isotope 40K between 340-790 Bq / kg note that the measure the concentration of isotope 226Ra Based on a gamma-ray Home issued by the isotope 214Bi, 44Bi and for 232Th isotopes 212Pb, 212Bi, 228Ac has been observed that the variation in the compositions of the samples the same city was not much for the two isotopes 232Th, 266Ra, but change was relatively more for peer-40K. As for the isotope 137Cs concentration ranged between 0.23-1.45 Bq / kg in Mecca, and Yanbu, Madinah and Tabuk. This is due to dust, radioactive fallout, as was observed in the cities of Taif and Baha, Abha, high-altitude above sea level and rainfall relatively high and the arrival of the focus up to 25 Bq / kg, with the obvious conflict in the Turkesmn sample to another even for the samples of the same of Religious one. The rate ranged from a focus in the seven cities between 0.23-6.45 Bq / kg. This type of variation in concentration has been observed in other regions of the world due to an incident with Chernobyl my age in 1986 was the rate of 137Cs about 25-35% of the concentration of 226Ra, 232Th were also analyzed 42 samples of fertilizers my way analysis of gamma rays and measuring detector pulsed liquid Ohotai of alpha and beta. Note that most of the samples had been taken from the fertilizer imported from some countries Alherqualawst, Europe and the United States and some of the fertilizer produced locally. The fertilizer high radiation may be a source of entry of radioactive materials into the soil continuously and thus can increase the concentration of radioactive substances in plants. And increased external radiation exposure and increase exposure to external radiation and increase the release of radioactive gas radon, have been analyzed ten samples of phosphate fertilizers, five of them showed a significant rise in the concentration of 226Ra over dozens of times its concentration in the soil. We have been measuring the concentration of isotope 234m Pa, as well as measure the concentration of isotope 235U of Ohotai gamma capacity of 185 thousand electron volts and 204 electron volts, and compared to concentration of isotopes 226Ra, 238U appeared that the two are far Akonaan the case of radiative balance, but based ratio method of manufacture of these fertilizers . Other types of fertilizer NPK was kind of vehicle, with some specimens of the species containing copper or manganese was found that the concentration of 40K in the samples of the type of NPK tens of times higher than in the soil, while the concentration of 226Ra much less. The study also included changes to the readings and statistical account of some factors related to it. 
Publishing Year : 1412 AH
1992 AD
Sponsor Name : kau 
Sponsorship Year : 1412 AH
1992 AD
Added Date : Wednesday, April 30, 2008 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
سمير عبدالمجيد الزيديalzaidy, samir abdulmageidInvestigatorDoctorate 


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