Document Details

Document Type : Project 
Document Title :
Study the use of a drug cyclosporine - a disincentive to immunity in cases of kidney transplantation in the Western Region of Saudi Arabia.
دراسة استخدام عقار السيكلوسبورين -أ كمثبط للمناعة في حالات زراعة الكلى بالمنطقة الغربية بالمملكة العربية السعودية.
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : The wind speed and direction of surface winds change depending on the nature of the surface topography and roughness as well as the change of thermal stability and dynamic in the region, where the stations measure wind speed and direction spaced from each other, it is difficult to estimate the wind speed and direction with acceptable accuracy in any area away from these stations . Analytical model was built to measure surface winds of the medium, "10000 km 2" taken under consideration of surface effects on the same scale, and can develop this form to elicit details of the wind on a smaller scale if there Alvaesel and surface features of the smaller scale. And data necessary for this form is routinely available data and daily to the Department of Meteorology and Environmental Protection and the data derived from measurements on a large scale "100000 km 2", which does not show the effect of surface forces. In this research was the application of this model to the data elements of air taken from the Department of Meteorology and Environmental Protection on October 10, 1999 0000 Ta (0300 local) and the apparent difference between the areas of wind speed and direction of the primary and derived from the model. The results were discussed with the situation Alsenobtica for that day. As well as wind energy were estimated. The areas offered lines of force, speed and wind energy extracted from the model of the Queen and the surrounding area. Show the field of wind energy to this position synoptic region in the north-west of the Kingdom is the extraction of wind power, including economic. This suggests that the model routinely to prepare the bank for the information capacity of the wind and can even Asenbat areas of economic feasibility for the extraction of wind energy. 
Publishing Year : 1408 AH
1988 AD
Sponsor Name : kau 
Sponsorship Year : 1408 AH
1988 AD
Added Date : Wednesday, April 30, 2008 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
سميرة إبراهيم إسلامIslam, sameirah IbrahimInvestigatorDoctorate 


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 30584.docx docx 

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