Document Details

Document Type : Project 
Document Title :
Model for atmospheric boundary layer to estimate the areas of speed and direction, wind over the Kingdom.
نموذج لطبقة الغلاف الجوي الحدية لتقدير مجالات سرعة واتجاه وطاقة الرياح فوق المملكة.
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : Vulnerability was evaluated for preventive and therapeutic drug Braszekonitil Ooxamenobn and strain of the parasite Arabia Cestomsoma Mansona in mice. Experience has led the initial effectiveness of drug Albrzykundtl Bneph 40 Mellijm / kg (single dose), 80 Mellijm / kg (single dose), and 80 Mellijm / g (three doses) on the infection-old seven Osaba in mice to reduce the proportion of adult worms 71.80 %, 88.69%, 89.1%, as well as to a significant reduction in the number of eggs in the tissues. Have studied the effect of low doses of the drugs (40 Mellijm / kg) and 40 of Braszekundtl Mellijm / kg of Ooxaminuken on the migration of larvae of the parasite in Alitin, Nippe worms and number of eggs in the tissue and the size of hepatic granuloma. Drugs were given orally to rats in various periods of infection by the parasite Hestusumaa Mansona (11 days, 5 days, 3 hours) and at several intervals after infection Balotfil (5, 21 and 49 days). The protective effect of the two drugs and therapeutic non-existent in today's atheist ten before infection, but with varying effectiveness on the fifth day prior to infection, and in 3 hours prior to infection on the fifth day and the forty-ninth after infection. Did not affect any of the Aran on a three-week-old infection in mice. Research found that the surfaces of untreated worms differed slightly different treatment for worms surfaces other strains that were studied surfaces, these differences were in the disappearance of many of the sensory structures of the surfaces of the female worms. The number of sensory projections on each papillary sensory How was the largest male in the previous work, in addition to the disappearance of the sensory hairs of the sensory areas of the nipple on the dorsal surfaces and the dorsal side. The impact of real estate on the surfaces of male worms more than its impact on the roofs of females. Albrzykundtl was more influential, especially in cracking nipples and spines and increased Taarig spaces and the disruption of papillary obvious. Pipettes were broken by more Alooxaminuin, there was no cure for the worms must stop the treatment. 
Publishing Year : 1410 AH
1990 AD
Sponsor Name : kau 
Sponsorship Year : 1410 AH
1990 AD
Added Date : Wednesday, April 30, 2008 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
أحمد عبدالله مكيmekki, ahmed abdullahInvestigatorDoctorate 


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