Document Details

Document Type : Project 
Document Title :
Include the impact of altitude on the spread of plant populations along the patio - Qunfudah.
تأثير تدرج الارتفاع على انتشار العشائر النباتية على طول طريق الباحة - القنفذة.
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : Biological activity was studied in the nineteen sample of the soil cultivated and non cultivated areas taken from the Sham and Huda Al-Taif and Medina. It has been estimated rate of respiration in soil samples by a analysis of the infrared (IRGA), and examined its relationship to number Ironing bacteria in the same samples, and has drawn particular attention to assessing a group of microbes nitrogen-fixing is not a Takaful and analyzed for cellulose, either aerobically or anaerobically, in addition to the group of microbes solvents of phosphate and also for oxidizing sulfur. The study has the quality and quantity of microbes prevailing distributed in the soil. In addition to study the biological activity of the most efficient Azlten Bactareeten. The results showed the samples taken from Huda al-Sham is less than the rate of respiration samples Taif and Medina, both of these samples was added or not containing added sugar glucose as an energy source. The observed coupling an increase in the density of bacteria in samples of rhizosphere of wild flora from the area of ​​Taif, as well as in a sample Razausvier plant sorghum (Surjam) of the Medina, with the increase in respiratory rate compared to samples of other, as explained that the density of a group of microbes nitrogen-fixing is not a cooperative, and analyzed for Celeoz either aerobic or anaerobic addition to a phosphate-dissolving microbes were generally higher in samples taken from regions of Taif and Medina, compared to samples from Huda al-Sham. While the group showed sulfur-oxidizing microbes higher density in samples compared with samples Sham Huda Al-Taif and Medina. Included microbes prevailing in the sample set Alkhnbarh bacilli of a component of the bacteria, and bacilli is the machine of the bacteria, and bacilli short-negative gram, pellets, and the bacilli meningococcal positive for gram, and Alaktinomisiat, both in the soil is cultivated or planted and have shown measurements of the growth of the isolates active Azutobakatr Crockokm and Albasila Majatberm difference in the growth rate in the shaky farm on farm fixed and I took to reach the maximum microbial growth of three days of incubation in the farm shaky, while took six days on the farm's fixed access to the same degree of microbial growth. 
Publishing Year : 1411 AH
1991 AD
Sponsor Name : kau 
Sponsorship Year : 1411 AH
1991 AD
Added Date : Wednesday, April 30, 2008 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
عبدالرحمن سعيد حجرhajar, abdulrahman saeidInvestigatorDoctorate 


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