Document Details

Document Type : Project 
Document Title :
Spread Almikorraiza (liposome dendritic) in the western region soils and their role in plant nutrition.
انتشار الميكورايزا (الحويصلية الشجيرية) في تربات المنطقة الغربية ودورها في تغذية النبات.
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : This is the first phase of the final report submitted to the Council of Scientific Research, King Abdul Aziz University for research and fortified No. 111/423 from the University. Of the research project, as has been displayed in the project proposal, the two main goals: The first goal, which is designing, manufacturing and water desalination unit laboratory to simulate flash evaporation desalination plants. The unit will use the laboratory as a tool to train undergraduate students to understand the basic processes and complex for the desalination of water, such as flash evaporation, condensation ... Etc.. Unit could also do some advanced research to improve the efficiency and performance of operating desalination plants. The second objective of the project includes the design and modeling program on the computer to simulate the desalination plant operates a multi-stage flash evaporation. The program will make students undergraduate and graduate studies in the design and study the performance of operating desalination units with capacities and operating the various elements, and then search for items and variables for the optimal design and operation of desalination plants. The project was designed so as to achieve these two goals in two phases for each phase of nine months has been the completion of the implementation of all business entrusted to the first phase with the completion of the design and processing schemes associated also been contacted some of the workshops and specialized companies in the manufacturing of desalination plants and invite them to submit bids laboratory for the manufacture of the unit. As has been completed the design and modeling of computer program using the program died Lab MATLAB to simulate the desalination plant is working evaporation flash multiple stages to suit the use of students of undergraduate and graduate studies and is now ready for testing and experimentation and refinement using information desalination plants operating, which will be implemented during the second phase. The report begins in the first chapter offers an introduction to the objectives and tasks assigned to the project, while the second chapter reviews the most important research that has been published in the field of desalination in general and especially flash evaporation and analyzes the results. Chapter III reviews the process of modeling computer program, based on the use of the "Lab words" to model units and desalination plants, while the fourth chapter was devoted to discuss the stages of the design laboratory unit with extensive explanations of the various schemes of the Unit and its components. Chapter V, summarizes the work expected in the second phase of the project. 
Publishing Year : 1407 AH
1987 AD
Sponsor Name : kau 
Sponsorship Year : 1407 AH
1987 AD
Added Date : Wednesday, April 30, 2008 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
عباس أحمد مليباريmlibari, abbas ahmedInvestigatorDoctorate 


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