Document Details

Document Type : Project 
Document Title :
The role of fungi in the dendritic Almikorhiza liposome resistance of infected plants to drought conditions.
دور فطريات الميكورهيزا الحويصلية الشجيرية في مقاومة النباتات المصابة لظروف الجفاف.
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : Collection in this study, forty agricultural soil sample to different plants, taken from different regions is of Wadi Fatima, Huda al-Sham, and Usfaan, and Taif. Have been identified fungal spores density of dendritic Almikorhiza liposome in all samples, as well as to detect the proportion of infected roots of plants to these fungi. Was also tested in this study the ability of soil bacteria and learned separately in the cause of infection in the roots of corn plants. The results showed the presence of bacteria fungi Almikorhiza numbers high and has reached to 32800 bacteria / kg soil, while in the soil, Hoda al-Sham has reached the number of bacteria in samples of the area of ​​Wadi Fatima 4000 bacteria / kg soil, a / a in the soil of Huda al-Sham has reached the number of germs 10,000 Germ / kg soil. For the density of bacteria in the soil Usfaan ranged between 6,000 and 9,000 bacteria / kg soil. In the region of Taif, reaching 6000 germ / kg soil in the area and Lwaht Alohit Khasha and the Valley, and about 1,300 bacteria / kg soil in the labrum. As a, the roots of wheat plants and parsley from the Taif showed highest infection rate reaching 93% and 89% respectively have shown the results of testing the vitality and the ability of soil and bacteria to cause infection, high capacity for all samples tested in the cause of infection in the roots of a plant corn. Ranged final point reduction for all samples between 16 and 32 The results of testing the ability of bacteria to improve the growth of fungal plant maize and beans, to confirm the results of testing of vital bacteria. Tin, where there is significant benefit to plants inoculated bacteria compared to those fertilized plants is fungal. It was noted from the test Almikorhiza role in plant resistance to drought conditions, that all transactions fertilized, far superior to those of non-vaccinated plants even when exposed to different periods of drought, in the length and dry weight. The study showed an increase in dry weight difference between transactions fertilized and unfertilized, an increase of the period of exposure to drought, may confirm these results Almikohiza role in the resistance of infected plants to drought conditions. 
Publishing Year : 1413 AH
1993 AD
Sponsor Name : kau 
Sponsorship Year : 1413 AH
1993 AD
Added Date : Wednesday, April 30, 2008 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
صالح محمد القرنيalgarni, saleh mohammedInvestigatorDoctorate 

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