Document Details

Document Type : Project 
Document Title :
Study on the viability of local varieties of wheat fungal infection during storage.
دراسة على قابلية أصناف القمح المحلية للإصابة الفطرية أثناء التخزين.
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : In this research to obtain samples of the grain types wheat Saudi Arabia (Soft Diorm and Yukoroyjo) from grain silos in Jeddah in January 1993, and once the transfer of samples to the lab was estimated percentage of germination in seeds three types, in addition to the discretion of each moisture content and change in the color of the fetus in the grain. After that, the isolation procedure of the fungi associated with grains of each type separately, estimate the number of fungi have been found and the percentage frequency of each fungus for the rest of fungi. The isolated fungi belong to ten species are Alturnarrietinos, Alternaraya Alturnata, Osbraszlls Niger, Aspergillus flavus Osbraszlls, Osprdellsa Akrashes, Helmnthosporim Sabivm, Famasam Klmurm, Famasam solani, a type of Myukr, and Bnceljm Chrizojinm. Find It turned out the following: • fungi that caused all four cuts in the percentage of germination in seeds of the three types of wheat. • There was a relationship between the severity of the infection in the three types of wheat, and between the content of these types of moisture. • For the change in the color of the fetus have obtained results showed that this ratio was quite keep pace with the decline in the percentage of germination of fungi by the four referred to under the same circumstances. • For the enzyme activity of the fungi tested on an analysis of starch and casein laboratory, the study had shown the ability of the four tested fungi to produce enzymes analyst The laboratory. From the above it became clear that the variety of items Diorm was more susceptible to fungal infection during storage and may be due to increased moisture content for the rest of the other varieties tested. As for the items less susceptible to fungal infection during storage, it should product, followed by Yukoroyjo product, and therefore recommended the expansion of agriculture should the product was less susceptible to fungi stored under different storage conditions tested. 
Publishing Year : 1413 AH
1993 AD
Sponsor Name : kau 
Sponsorship Year : 1413 AH
1993 AD
Added Date : Wednesday, April 30, 2008 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
منصور جميل سجينيsajeini, mansour jmeilInvestigatorDoctorate 


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 30664.docx docx 

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