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Document Type : Project 
Document Title :
Feeding tilapia type Eryukromes Sepeloros on date seeds and livestock manure.
تغذية أسماك البلطي نوع أريوكروميس سبيلوروس على نوى التمور وسماد الماشية.
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : Was a preliminary assessment of the feasibility of local food sources of protein and cheap to feed tilapia type Oreochromis spilurus. Behind the reference food containing 35% protein fish. And attended the meal and powder of date seeds (PKM), and other powder sheep manure (GMM) and then attended two meals experimental solution of the two amounts (PKM) and (GMM) partially replace fish protein in the food reference. Has been replaced (PMM) in the levels: zero, 6.15, 1, 31.7, 46, and 62% (diet I) and replacement (GMM) on the levels: zero, 7.19, 3, 39.1, 59, and 78.6% (diet II) replace the protein in fish food reference, so that each of Algmain (I, II) containing 35, 30, 25.20, 15% protein on a mixed arrangement. Did not accept the direct feeding of fish on the PKM or FMM, Algmain and both gave very low levels of growth, rates of transition diet (FCR) high, 4.4 for the first and 4.89 for the second. Also recorded declines significantly in the levels of fat bodies of fish tests, and rises in the levels of carbohydrate and ash, although the food (I) gave growth rates better than the food (II) but the growth rates were decreasing continuously with the increase in PKM and GMM in both Algmain. We have achieved a better growth rate when feeding on food reference. I have completed this study to demonstrate the feasibility of establishing sources of protein available locally, at very low prices (intended dates and sheep manure) replaced fish powder imported and expensive in the diet of fish, and build on what has been the experience can be concluded that: - - Feed the fish directly on the Powder date seeds, fertilizer powder or sheep lead to very low growth rates and raise non-economic. - It can bring powder cores partially replace the powder of fish to food fish, and can achieve rates of economic growth does not exceed the proportion of substitution of 31.1% protein fish meal reference, can also bring powder fertilizer sheep partially replace the powder, fish, and by only 19.7% of them. - Replacement powder cores relative to the place of fish powder has better growth rates, and providing the largest proportion in the consumption of fish powder than those achieved by feeding fertilizer to bring the sheep replace fish powder. - Did not accept the tilapia Omochromis spilurus nutrition direct powder cores or sheep manure did not cope with it today, has recorded a high percentage of the average food remnants to the total amount of food by 60.9% from 30.3 powder fertilizer powder cores, during the last days of the experiment. - Did not affect feeding substitution relative to the cores and powder powder powder, fish fertilizer replace a significant impact on the percentage of protein in the muscles of the fish while the experiments affected the proportion of fat. In light of the outcome of the current study findings therefore can be recommended: - Recommendation relative to the substitution date seeds powder, fish powder, replace, not to exceed the replacement rate of 31% of the powder in the fish meal reference. - The recommendation not to feed the fish tilapia type Q. spilurus feed directly on the raw powder, powder cores and sheep manure in ponds and the irrigation system being open. - A study of ways to choose to accept the fish feeding on the powder cores, powder or sheep manure, and thus testing the proportions of the other replacement. - A study of feeding tilapia on the powder and powder cores fish ponds in the ground, and using static irrigation system, where they can pursue their respective roles in promoting the primary productivity of the pond water. 
Publishing Year : 1410 AH
1990 AD
Sponsor Name : kau 
Sponsorship Year : 1410 AH
1990 AD
Added Date : Wednesday, April 30, 2008 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
محمد موسى العموديalamoudi, mohammed mosaInvestigatorDoctorate 


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