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Document Type : Project 
Document Title :
Studies to prevent the adhesion of the bacteria have the ability to form a dynamic membrane, surfaces of human cells and medical devices placed inside the body
دراسات لمنع التصاق البكتريا التى لها القدرة على تكوين غشاء حيوي، بأسطح خلايا الإنسان والأدوات الطبية الموضوعة داخل الجسم
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : The effect of certain compounds of anti-germ (fluoroquinolone [ciprofloxacin and norfloxacin and levofloxacin] and a group Alpittalaktam [Savobarazon and Sifteraakazhon and Sifotakzim and Sevipim] and clindamycin, and streptomycin and vancomycin, vehicles, non-anti-germ (salts, salicylates, and acid acetyl salicylic, and diclofenac, although - acetyl Cistien and Ombroksol and Bromuhixan) the formation of membrane bio-adhesion of cells of bacterium Pseudomonas Aareuginosa and Asattavelocox Aoréas surfaces. The results confirmed that a vehicle of anti-germ at concentrations of 0.5 and 0.25 and 0.125 inhibitory concentration of growth lead to decline in the proportion of biofilms and cells adherent to surfaces plastic venous catheter and human cells of the type A549 compared samples untreated. The results demonstrated that treatment of biofilms, the microbes used to these compounds at concentrations ranging from 25-400 mg / Mallilir reduce the proportion of biofilms and cells adherent to surfaces plastic venous catheter and human cells compared to samples untreated. It was found that a compound levofloxacin is the most powerful vehicles and the effectiveness of a compound is the least of Sifotakzim influential. And also the results showed that the presence of certain compounds of others of anti-germ which salts salicylate acid and acetyl salicylic though - acetyl Cistien concentrations Ttrraouh between 0.5 to 4.0 mg / Mallilir lead to a decline in the proportion of biofilms and cells adherent to surfaces plastic venous catheter compared with samples untreated, while the other compounds did not have shown no effect. By studying the effect of these compounds on adhesion of germ cells from the surfaces of cells of the human type A549, results demonstrated that the presence of the compounds - acetyl Cistien and Ambroxol and Bromuhixan (10-40 micrograms \ Mallilir) lead to a decline in the proportion of adherent cell surfaces of human cells A549. By studying the effect of some factors on the effectiveness of the compound levofloxacin found that the presence of magnesium ion (5 Mellimul) reduces the effectiveness of levofloxacin, while not showing the presence of calcium ion has no effect. Results also showed that the change of the center of Wallace Alheirugeni to 5.5 degrees over the effectiveness of levofloxacin, while the change to reduce the degree of 8.5 (slightly) the effectiveness of levofloxacin, compared to its efficiency at a temperature of 7.0. The results also demonstrated that the presence of compounds clindamycin (20 micrograms \ Mallilir) and N - acetyl Cistien (1 mg \ Mallilir) increase the effectiveness of levofloxacin compound of the killer microbes. 
Publishing Year : 1424 AH
2004 AD
Sponsor Name : kau 
Sponsorship Year : 1424 AH
2004 AD
Added Date : Wednesday, April 30, 2008 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
محمود عبدالمجيد ريسrayyes, mahmoud abdulmajeidInvestigatorDoctorate 


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