Document Details

Document Type : Project 
Document Title :
Estimate the amount of radon - 222 in water wells.
تقدير كمية الراديون - 222 في مياه الآبار.
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : The research team through a two-year analysis of samples for most of the time of the water used for drinking and irrigation wells in the areas of Qassim, Tabuk and Hail in the radioactive gas radon concentrations in a manner -222 count pulsed liquid. It is known that this gas either through inhalation with air or by ingestion with water gives rise to serious health risks is to increase the probability of causing cancers of the dysfunctional Mtardan. The research team found in some drinking water in some places the above-mentioned areas of radon concentrations much higher than the maximum limits recommended by the specialized bodies such as the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is 300 Peacocuori in Tralme. And risks associated with drinking water by the maximum of radon are two additional cases of cancer - in a period of life - in every 10,000 people. The research team found that the water emerging for the use of the water treatment plant in the city of Buraydah Qassim region by an average radon concentration of 1350 Peacocuori per liter. The average radon concentration from different regions in the center of the city of Buraidah Peacocuori is some 410 per liter. If we take the No. 900 Peacocuori average radon per liter of radon concentration in drinking water in Buraida, the expectations of risk - in a period of life - from drinking water if we consider that the approximate number of residents of the city of Buraidah is about 300,000 people are as follows: * 2 * 900 / 300 3000000 / 10000 = 180 additional cancer cases. It is expected to increase concentrations of radon more and more with time in the external water from the station to increase the accumulation of the source of radon -222 on the sand in the basins Alterchrist station, a component of Radium-226, which accumulated huge quantities of it on the sand Alterchrist and stuck out and focused upon with the passage of time, although water wells feeding of the station Radium-226 concentrations by a very small and Radium-226 decays to radon -222 leaves in water-bearing decompose when radioactive elements other than radioactive gas remains in the water even after the disappearance of radon due to radiation degradation. Hikdr research team that there are at least hundreds of tons of sand filtration plant contaminated highly radioactive element Radium-226, a radioactive element has a very long life and be the sand in itself a very dangerous source of radiation. The research team found a major hotel in the city of Buraidah, water by the high concentration of radon in the -222, almost 2190 Peacocuori per liter on average. The tank feeds water from the well of the hotel and also fueling a special treatment plant in his hand, has been found that the concentration of radon in well water are on average in 1290 Peacocuori liter, and the average Trkizalradun in the water coming from the station was 435 Peacocuori per liter. The team is also in the Qassim region analysis of water samples from water treatment plant in Onaizah and other places around and found that the levels of radon concentration in these waters is low, did not find the research team in samples of water wells in the area of ​​"Shri" of the prick Qassim Agricultural increases in the concentrations of radon them. The research team did not find in the waters of the wells from the area of ​​Tabuk Pfhsa high concentrations of radon in only one or two cases did not increase the concentration of radon on the ceilings but a few. Most well water analyzed by the research team from the Hail low radon concentration in some areas only in a population of about a thousand people. For example, found concentrations of radon from well water main in the center node 4520 Peacocuori on average, and in the water basin which collects the water coming from the well of the distribution of the average is 1790 Peacocuori per liter as a result of "ventilation" of the well water to make it lose some of Alradn wolf them. And just recently, took samples from the well, "Hamidi" The Medium is the concentration of radon per liter Rakokiora 1720, and another well is not far - well Sinjar - water samples gave average concentrations from 5120 Peacocuori per liter. The research team experiences initial Asthaddamt the scientific methods generally accepted to reduce the concentrations of radon in drinking water, a ventilation and processor charcoal and heating, and come experience the results show the effectiveness of these methods to reduce radon in water treatment, but these experiments is still in its infancy and needed follow-up to identify the different factors Almatrwalzerov best to do this cut and technique. He has also research team studied the impact of processing sand contaminated clean water in the extraction of radon them and compare this using acid Oedroklorett with a pH "1" the size of an equal, has been shown that treatment with acid helped Tharid amount of more than radon from sand contaminated and probably also Radium -266 and inspiration of the liquid acid. This result may indicate the possibility of "wash" the sand contaminated with radioactive diluted acids, and disposal of contaminated sand carried from Radium-226 which can then be focused in the wash water is then reclaimed them in a different way and then fill out and bury him according to international regulations adopted. But also this study is in its infancy and needs to follow-up and codified. Finally, do not doubt the research team that first it will pay the subject of radioactive contamination of some drinking water examined by pollution and the high sand Rashih in the water treatment plant in Buraida high their care in the light of the observed increase in cancer cases in Qassim region, which may be linked to radioactive contamination of some water drinking in the region. 
Publishing Year : 1411 AH
1991 AD
Sponsor Name : kau 
Sponsorship Year : 1411 AH
1991 AD
Added Date : Wednesday, April 30, 2008 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
عبدالمجيد مأمونmamoun, abdulmajeid InvestigatorDoctorate 


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