Document Details

Document Type : Project 
Document Title :
Study the effect of obesity in pregnant rats on the islands of Langer Hans in the pancreas of fetuses and newborns
دراسة تأثير السمنة في الجرذان الحوامل على جزر لانجر هانز في بنكرياس الأجنة وحديثى الولادة
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : It has been proved before that obesity in mothers have an effect on the pancreas of fetuses and newborns and in spite of this there is no detailed study of the pancreas Morvomitrih embryos and newborn birth of obese mothers. Based on this research has been the impact of obesity in pregnant mothers on the fine structure and functional components of the B-cells to insulin in the pancreas of fetuses and newborn birth of obese mothers. Were the events of obesity in female rats by feeding them the Virgin and high-calorie meals. Separated samples from the pancreas of embryos mothers fat rats 21 days old and the birth of the newborn rat mothers fat rats aged one day. Also separated the samples from the pancreas of embryos, maternal rats is fat old 21 days and newborn birth of rat mothers fat age one day and separated samples from the pancreas of embryos, maternal rats is fat old 21 days, and newly born rats mothers fat age one day and used as a group officer. Found in samples of pancreatic neutral formalin and then placed in the wax melting temperature of 57 degrees Celsius. Cut sections of the pancreas 5 micrometers thick. Then stained by the dye chemical immune to show insulin. Stained slides and also by Alheimaoudiln Eocene. Measured glucose and insulin in the blood of the fetus and newborn when you get samples of the pancreas. Morvomitrih study was conducted on the slides stained. Volumetric density and the percentage of cells with numerical and Qatar islets of Langerhans in the pancreas of fetuses and newborn birth mothers and non-fat fat. Search Results indicated that the level of sugar in the blood of fetuses and newborn birth of obese mothers did not differ statistically higher than in fetuses and newborn birth mothers and non-fat. The level of insulin in the blood of fetuses and newborn birth mothers fat differs statistically higher than in fetuses and newborn birth mothers non-fat. A Volumetric density and the percentage of cells with numerical and Qatar islets of Langerhans in the pancreas of fetuses and newborn birth of obese mothers did not differ statistically higher than in fetuses and newborn birth mothers and non-fat. Seems that obesity in mothers have no effect on the installation of the pancreas embryos and newborn births, but result in increasing the level of insulin in the blood of fetuses and newborn birth mothers fat does not cause an increase in the level of sugar in the blood of fetuses and newborn birth of obese mothers. 
Publishing Year : 1422 AH
2002 AD
Sponsor Name : kau 
Sponsorship Year : 1422 AH
2002 AD
Added Date : Wednesday, April 30, 2008 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
سمر محمد السقافalsaqqaf, samar mohammedInvestigatorDoctorate 


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