Document Details

Document Type : Project 
Document Title :
Effect of green tea on the diabetes and high cholesterol in the blood
تأثير الشاى الأخضر على مرض البوال السكرى وارتفاع الكوليستيرول فى الدم
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : Conducted the current work on the effect of green tea on oxidative stress caused diabetes and increased cholesterol in the blood, and also punish complications such as diabetic kidney disease. Rats were divided into four main groups (24 mice in each group). Group I: untreated control group, while the second and third became sick with diabetes Balasrepettozotosen either sugar or fruits, respectively. Group D: rats were given high-cholesterol diet. Each group was divided into two subgroups, one worked as a group of control untreated and the other gave the green tea for 6 or 12 weeks. Six rats from each group were sacrificed in the sixth week and the others were sacrificed at the twelfth week. Were measured glucose, insulin, creatinine in blood samples in rats with diabetes. While the fat was measured in the group that relies on high-cholesterol diet. Also measured the level of fat oxidation and the level of antioxidant enzymes in both groups. Jerzan removed kidneys from diabetics and aorta of rats, which depends on the cholesterol diet increased the histological analysis. Results revealed that diabetes caused Balastervtozotosen or fructose increased the level of glucose in the blood compared to standard group, while raising insulin significantly in the third set and a decrease in the second set. Also raised creatinine in groups II and III after the sixth week and continued to increase until the twelfth week. There was renal hypertrophy as shown by the percentage increase in total weight to body weight. Group D: There was a rise in plasma cholesterol, Tri Gelesraad), LDL), while less (VHDL). Almalondialldhayd groups increased in the second, third and fourth, while the reduced glutathione and Allsopproksid Desmiotiz Broxadez. Lack of green tea blood glucose level significantly and good insulin, also reduced significantly the level of creatinine in the second and third groups during the week VI and XII. In addition, green tea reduced cholesterol, Tri Gelesraad), LDL) and raise (HDL). Almalondialldhayd green tea reduced significantly, while the shortage Allsopproksid Desmiotiz and 'glutathione Broxadez in groups in the second, third and fourth. As a result: good green tea blood glucose and insulin levels in diabetes. Also played both of creatinine in the blood and enlarged kidneys. It was good as well as the level of fat in the mice high cholesterol in the blood. Green tea seems to be working through the effects of anti-oxidants, while the lack of increased oxidation of fat and antioxidant enzymes 
Publishing Year : 1426 AH
2006 AD
Sponsor Name : kau 
Sponsorship Year : 1426 AH
2006 AD
Added Date : Wednesday, April 30, 2008 


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سمر عمر السقافalsaqqaf, smar omarInvestigatorDoctorate 


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