Document Details

Document Type : Project 
Document Title :
Measure the effectiveness of the enzyme, "they - Gulwtamaelsistin Santest" pigment cells in the skin of ordinary people and active patients of vitiligo.
قياس فعالية إنزيم "قاما-قلوتامايلسيستين سينثيسز" في الخلايا الصبغية الجلدية من أشخاص عاديين ومرضى للبهاق النشط .
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : Enzyme is the "they - Gulwtamaelsistin Santtest" (they - BC. O. O.) Cellular enzyme that controls the production of stainless oxidation within the cell, namely, "Algulwtotheion." So The activity of "Olqama JC as" temporary and fast is necessary for the life of the cell and diet of the devastating impact of the active oxygen species. Thus Hzv this research project measuring the activity (they - BC. O. O.) Of the skin cells chromosomal planted by ordinary people 0 Total = 20) and patients with vitiligo is hyperbolic (n = 20) in the developed active in normal conditions and under a state of tension oxide using Alminadioan (100 micromol) and hydrogen peroxide (30 Makromal) Kmaxdat for different time periods. We have found that the activity of the ordinary, the owner of the decline in the activity of the enzyme Ankhvaza - important - levels of "Algulwtotheion." Has to address the pigment cells of patients with vitiligo polychlorinated Alminadion and hydrogen peroxide to decrease - important - in the activity (they - BC. O. O.) And the levels of "Algulwtotheion" of the times of the following "6 hours and 24 hours (for Minadion) and 30 minutes and 60 minutes (hydrogen peroxide), while the processing melanocytes normal "Alminadion for an hour to significant reductions in the level of" Algulwtotheion "while the level of" Algulwtotheion "rise - important - in normal cells treated with" Alminadion "for 24 hours with concomitant in height - important - Activity the (they - BC. o. o..) Conclusion, that the activity (they - BC. O. O.) In melanocytes from vitiligo patients was low - important - which explains the levels of Ankhafad "Algulwtotheion" within the cell chromosome. Shown these cells more sensitive than normal cells to oxidizing materials, which may explain the death of these cells in the skin of patients with vitiligo. 
Publishing Year : 1425 AH
2005 AD
Sponsor Name : kau 
Sponsorship Year : 1425 AH
2005 AD
Added Date : Wednesday, April 30, 2008 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
محمد زيلعي عليali, mohammed zalaiyInvestigatorDoctorate 


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