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Document Type : Project 
Document Title :
Studies of the level of serum antibodies against hepatitis A, B and measles virus on a sample of school children in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
دراسات مصلية لمستوى الأجسام المضادة ضد فيروس الكبد الوبائي أ ، ب و فيروس الحصبة على عينة من أطفال المدارس في جدة بالمملكة العربية السعودية
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : In this study, estimate the immune status against the virus that causes hepatitis C virus (b) the virus that causes Hepatitis A and measles, the virus that causes inflammation of the parotid gland and the virus that causes measles German children at the age of entry into schools and to assess the effectiveness of vaccination current against these diseases in Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Serum was analyzed 527 children (285 males 242 females) aged (4-14 year) were measured antibodies to the diseases mentioned above using the atomic spectrometer. It was found that (98%) of the participants took the children vaccinated against the virus that causes hepatitis C virus (b) (2%) just did not take the vaccination. And found the proportion of the presence of antibodies to the virus in about (75%) of the participants, and that this percentage increase in children who took the vaccine compared to those who do not eat. It was also noted that the rate of increase of antibodies in young age and less than the greater age of the child. As for the virus that causes inflammation of the Yalqaibdi epidemic (a) it was found that the proportion of children vaccinated against this virus (49%), while the proportion who are not vaccinated (51%) did not observe any differences in the proportion of antibodies among immunized children who were not vaccinated (29% of the two ). The percentage of antibodies found in a few small children age (11% at the age of four years), while increased in the great age (42%) in ages (8-11) and I figure once again with age, about (99%) of the participating children ate Vaccination against measles virus and the virus that causes inflammation of the parotid gland and the virus that causes German measles while (1%) only take the vaccination. And found the proportion of the presence of antibodies to the virus that causes measles in about (71%) of the participants who took the vaccine and (50%) in those who did not feed. It was also noted that the proportion of antibodies to the virus than in the younger age and less than the greater age of the child. And found the proportion of the presence of antibodies to the virus that causes inflammation of the parotid gland in about (65%) of the participants, and that this percentage increase in children who took the vaccine (65%) compared to those who do not feed (20%). It was also noted that the rate of increase of antibodies in young age and less than the greater age of the child. And found the proportion of the presence of antibodies to the virus that causes German measles in about (90%) of the participants, and that this percentage increase in children who took the vaccine (91%) compared to those who do not feed (40%). It was also noted that the rate of increase of antibodies in the older age (9-11 years). Of this study conclude the success of the vaccination program against the virus that causes hepatitis C virus (b), which led to the increase in formation of antibodies against this virus in children. The introduction of compulsory vaccination against the virus that causes hepatitis C virus (a) in Jeddah because of the limited proportion of antibodies against this virus in the children involved and this could lead to the spread of disease among children. Dose increase in the age of puberty against measles, the virus that causes inflammation of the parotid gland to prevent the spread of these two diseases among adults. Assess the outcome of the introduction of a new vaccination for measles, the virus that causes inflammation of the parotid gland and the virus that causes German measles in children. 
Publishing Year : 1424 AH
2004 AD
Sponsor Name : kau 
Sponsorship Year : 1424 AH
2004 AD
Added Date : Wednesday, April 30, 2008 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
سعاد محمد جابرjaber, souad mohammedInvestigatorDoctorate 


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