Document Details

Document Type : Project 
Document Title :
Studies on scorpions and poisonous snakes in the Western Region in Saudi Arabia and the possibility of producing single-and multiple vaccines effective
دراسات عن سموم العقارب والثعابين بالمنطقة الغربية بالمملكة وإمكانية إنتاج أمصال أحادية وعديدة الفاعلية
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : Respect to this project Varmakologih studies and toxicity and immune to the scorpions and snakes located in the Western Region of Saudi Arabia. The most important are the cobra snake located Arabic, living carpet and living Coupler, snake and emphysema, and Scorpio is the most important scorpions yellow and black scorpion. We have injected poison snakes and scorpions after caught and milked in the rabbit repeatedly for the production of antibodies to the toxins (vaccines mono), using the traditional method used in the production of vaccines has been studied vaccines produced immunologically and pharmacologically by prevention in the mice of large doses of toxins. Also been studying the impact of some of the toxins on tissues isolated rabbit Indian and mouse white, were also separate the components of cobra venom Arabic and has been studied the effect of the poison on the enzymes blood cells Aharmra as well as the injection of these toxins for a period of three days in Jerzan was measured some of the hormones in the blood to study the effect of toxins the levels. this is in addition to the development of the reptile house to be centers of information on scorpions and poisonous Alosaben Western Region of the Kingdom and provide advice to researchers and students. 
Publishing Year : 1411 AH
1991 AD
Sponsor Name : kau 
Sponsorship Year : 1411 AH
1991 AD
Added Date : Wednesday, April 30, 2008 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
عبدالكريم محمد تلمسانيtelmsani, abdulkarim mohammedInvestigatorDoctorate 


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