Document Details

Document Type : Project 
Document Title :
Estimate the effect of a mutation of pesticide-contaminated environment on several biological systems.
تقدير التأثير الطفوري لأحد المبيدات الملوثة للبيئة على عدة أنظمة بيولوجية.
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : Singled out the research project the current study the influence of genetic Alotfora likely Insecticide phosphorus (Drspan) commonly used in the Kingdom to resist pests, and can be considered as the pesticide as one of the environmental pollutants, which may have an adverse effect and undesirable on the genotypes for other organisms in contrast to insects, and to study the possibility of that this pesticide is harmful organisms have been assessing its ability to introduce mutations lethal recessive and linked to Bkromusum sex X in the insect Darosvala, as well as the assessment of its ability to introduce mutations nutritional deficiency in the mushroom Alaasebrjiys gear, and eventually studied its ability to develop abnormalities of chromosomal at the root of the plant. Insecticide Drspan has strong toxicity against insects, which confirms its ability to eliminate agricultural pests at doses not exceeding 1 part per million, allowing the field to recommend reducing the dose of this pesticide is used, which may be up to 1000 ppm. 1 - showed a clear toxic pesticide against fungus Alasbergiles may lead us to recommend the use of this compound as a pesticide, especially fungal-fungal floor. 2 - can recommend the use of this pesticide, which is made of purposes for, and appropriate dosages, where the results showed that this pesticide has no genotoxic in three biological systems in terms of the ability to overcome the development of genetic mutations or fractures Krmusumah. 
Publishing Year : 1409 AH
1989 AD
Sponsor Name : kau 
Sponsorship Year : 1409 AH
1989 AD
Added Date : Wednesday, April 30, 2008 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
أميرة يوسف أبو يوسفaboyosif, ameirah yosifInvestigatorDoctorate 


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