Contribution to the Scientific Endowment


Contribution to the Scientific Endowment


A Report of contribution to the Scientific Endowment for
Research at King Abdulaziz University.

I am happy to contribute to establishing in the scientific endowment to support research at King Abdulaziz University
The amount of …………………………………… Or contribution in kind is …………………………………………………………….
For the sake of Allah, I wish success and pertinence to those functioning on this magnificent project.
Name: ....................... Signature: ...........

Date: ....................... Phone: ...............


Please deposit in our account: (136/90909000500)
National Commercial Bank (Islamic Investment) - Jeddah
In the name of the scientific endowment for support research King Abdul Aziz University.


Last Update
10/7/2010 3:05:53 AM