The Statute of the Endowment



In accordance with the cooperation principles advocated by Islam, on the basis of the importance of scientific research, education and training, that service economy, environment and society, and economic and social development plans, and its importance in the study of the environment of the Hajj and Umrah economies and guidance to solve the problems related to all this, and the fact that education and scientific research are the basic objectives of King Abdul Aziz University.

Taking into account the elements of the approach of Endowment as the platform to contribute to the achievement of the goals of scientific research, and realizing the need to activate the role of the Endowment and that this requires the existence of an adequate system assisting in the collection of financial resources and spending it correctly, as well as conserving it, and maximizing its assets, and developing its revenues.

Appreciating the initiative of His Royal Highness Prince Abdul Majeed bin Abdul Aziz – God bless him – a piece of  land was endowed in the city of Jeddah by a documented legal deed at the general court in Jeddah with the number 28 / 585/21 on 22/4/1426 h. for the purpose of supporting the university's scientific research. By the appointment of Board of Supervision, he created a considerable position, and called it - may God have mercy on him - "Endowment of Scientific Research in Support of King Abdulaziz University in Jeddah".

The Board of Endowment, at its first meeting on 20/6/1427 h. approved of this statute of seven chapters and twenty-four articles, and the legal deed attached to the Statute is an integral part of it.

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Last Update
10/7/2010 2:35:35 AM