Etstqta’a campaign in KAU university

Launched the endowment of scientific campaign (Cutback ... pay without interruption) on Saturday 27 Rabi I 1431 H, corresponding to March 13, 2010, which continued for three weeks was a visit gentlemen students preparatory year in the classroom to introduce them to halt science through visual presentation included the most important activities and objectives of the stay and the latest achievements thanks to God.

The purpose of the campaign Alistqt makers to define the gentlemen students to the program Alistqt makers monthly and invite them to join and participate in this program, who was widely felt in the university community are clearly demonstrates the awareness of the importance of scientific research in upgrading Butt greed and their nation's Islamic, where the level of the university, by filling Alistqt Acts, by selecting a specific value of his salary or remuneration monthly is Istqt Alla and donated to charity under way for the cessation of scientific, so the program Alistqt makers an opportunity to all employees of the university for the privilege of participating in support and promote scientific research Ott and seen to serve the strategic issues and developmental and i Nena expensive and our Islamic nation.

Last Update
6/15/2010 1:45:54 AM

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